No matter what anybody tells you, the ’90s was the golden era of music videos. The economy was doing well and labels had money to blow. They were handing million-dollar budgets on any artist’s whim and because of that the record industry is in the crapper now. But that’s another conversation. With the resurgence of the ’90s in pop culture, millennials are being introduced to the songs and videos many deem classics, but it’s causing some confusion. Peep some of the questions millennials have about the music videos of the ’90s. 1. Why are all of theses R&B groups in full suits for no reason? I need to know how there weren’t that many fights on the set between group members. They were wearing full suits in the hottest places like the desert or the beach. Why is a full suit beach attire? Explain. Example: Troop – “Spread My Wings” 2. How come the remix videos were better than the original ones? The ’90s was the peak era for the remix video. But why were all of the remixes–both songs and videos–better than the original ones? Prime example, not one person can spit Jadakiss’ verse on the original version of ...
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