1. The Dad Who Tries Too Hard In plenty of films, dads who try way too hard to be hip have been used as a comedic device. They use current slang with awkward results. Much like Eugene Levy in most of his movies, but particularly American Pie. Levy confidently had the sex talk with his son after catching him in a compromising position with a pie using formerly cool vernacular and body language which only added to Jim’s embarrassment. 2. The Emotionally Distant Widower In many sitcoms and animated films the single fathers are left to raise their children after the death of the mother. The imbalance is usually exploited to explain his shortcomings as a parent or why he is over protective (see #10). This trope has been played out everywhere from House Party with Robin Harris’s “Pops” to Chicken Little (and even later on in the aforementioned American Pie series). 3. The Traditionalist Dad Many of Disney’s early animated films either feature a father who had died before the film takes place (or somewhere in the first act) or one who is set in his traditional ways. The Sultan and Jasmine had a tug-o-war father/daughter relationship because of his ...
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